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Woke up on the right side of the bed,
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.

Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care,
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere.
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.

Good morning and good night,
I wake up at twilight.
It's gonna be alright we don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Feet down dropped my phone in the pool again,
Checked out of my room hit the ATM.
Let's hang out if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.

Good morning and good night,
I wake up at twilight.
It's gonna be alright we don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Doesn't matter when,
It's always a good time then.
Doesn't matter where,
It's always a good time there.

Doesn't matter when,
It's always a good time then.

It's always a good time!
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
It's always a good time
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.

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     [以下文章轉載自年代售票] 成立於2009年的The Pretty Reckless來自美國紐約,於2010年6月發行同名EP後,同年8 月發行首張專輯Light Me Up隨即攻佔英國搖滾排行榜冠軍; 由最廣為人之的主唱Taylor Momsen,吉他手Ben Phillips,貝斯手Mark Damon以及鼓手Jamie Perkins所組成。 深受Nirvana,White stripes影響,不難聽出TPR的樂句綜合了90年代Grunge,00年後的 Alternative及屬於Taylor Momsen個人的音樂意境; 即便遭受澳洲雙胞胎姊妹樂團The Veronicas指抄襲造型,TPR仍以首張專輯即拿下2010年美國搖滾專輯排行第16名,英國 專輯大獎第6名證明樂團在搖滾樂界占有一席之地。

    模特兒出生的Taylor Momsen在7歲即擔任金凱瑞主演電影"鬼精靈 Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas"中的小女主角Cindy Lou Who,14歲簽入全世界頂尖模特兒公司 之一的IMG,成為Kate Moss,Tyra Banks等超級名模師妹。2010年陸續擔任碼丹娜主導 美國知名百貨Macy's "拜金女孩 Material Girl Collection",獲頒"法國榮譽軍團勳章"大師"John Galliano"設計香水之品牌代言人。再加上收視長紅的"花邊教主 Gossip Girl", Taylor Momsen以不到20歲之姿站上事業最高峰。但對於一個重度搖滾樂迷,聽著Classic Hard Rock長大的Taylor Momsen還要跨足音樂圈,說過自己的創作不是流行音樂而是搖 滾樂的她,將以 The Pretty Reckless震撼影迷及樂迷的聽覺!!

    2012年9月,Taylor Momsen也將帶領The Pretty Reckless樂團媚艷台灣,桀傲不馴的超 個性派嗓音,低沉沙啞非常有爆發力的演唱會現場,一定要親身體會才能領悟; 即便從未看 過她在螢幕上的Jenny形象,也絕對會因為這場演出對她外在的驚人美麗與內在蘊藏的堅強 創作與演唱實力為之動容! 

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