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    樂評形容他像「音樂魔法師」,彈指間融合拉丁、靈魂、節奏藍調、舞曲、古巴音樂、爵士、民謠以及流行等樂風,跨越搖滾界線,創造獨樹一格的世界音 樂,打破不同民族文化之間的藩籬,從黑膠唱片的世代一直紅到網路世代。曾經於2011年來台演出大獲好評的山塔那樂團Santana,在音樂上的表現早已 讓他們成為搖滾樂界的指標性人物,而他們充滿世界音樂風味的現場演出,更是全球搖滾樂迷所讚嘆激賞的。全球超過一億人次以上的樂迷層親臨山塔那樂團 Santana的演唱會,,終於要在2013年再度來到台灣,讓更多樂迷親身體驗吉他大帝的搖滾魅力! [文章源自颱風網]


時間:3/30/2011  下午 08:00

吉他之神艾瑞克萊普頓Eric Clapton、蘿倫希爾Lauryn Hill、羅伯湯瑪斯Rob Thomas、蒂朵Dido、席爾Seal、梅西葛蕾Macy Gray、大衛馬修Dave Matthews等全球超級音樂人公認的重量搖滾樂團,SANTANA首次受邀台北熱情演出!

    搖滾樂界內有不少特立獨行的怪卡,Carlos Santana無疑是其中之一,他是極少數不用開口唱,僅靠吉他演奏就能風靡全場的搖滾大師,最擅長無限延伸你對搖滾樂的想像力!音樂風格融合了搖滾及拉 丁風味濃厚的Samba、Funk、Raggae、Bossa-Nova甚至加入節奏藍調、Hip-Hop、Pop等各種不同的音樂元素。

    Carlos Santana放浪不羈卻又熱情奔放的搖滾靈魂絕對讓你無法冷靜的當個置身事外的旁觀者! 這次,你絕對不能錯過SANTANA!from→年代售票    

【4/1/2011 News】
「吉他大帝」卡洛斯山塔那(Carlos Santana)昨搭機離台,臨別依依不捨地說:「我愛台灣,台灣人太熱情了,希望明年再來表演。」他前晚率「山塔那」樂團在台北南港展覽館開唱,原定表演3首安可曲,結果加碼唱了半小時,演唱會直到晚間10點55分才落幕。

    現年63歲的卡洛斯山塔那縱橫樂壇逾 40年,融合拉丁、節奏藍調、舞曲、爵士以及流行樂,形成獨樹一格的「世界曲風」,被樂評形容為「音樂魔法師」。山塔那樂團出過21張專輯,他個人則有7 張專輯,全球累積銷量超過1億張,其中1999年的專輯《超自然力量》(Supernatural)榮獲9座葛萊美音樂獎肯定,堪稱代表作,台北場唱酬約 3500萬元台幣。
卡洛斯山塔那昨一身白衣白褲、戴巴拿馬帽登台,精練40年的彈指神功風靡萬名歌迷。招牌歌《Black Magic Woman》、《Oye Como Va》、《Europa》一出,大家隨著節拍鼓掌起舞。


卡洛斯山塔那(Carlos Santana)
※黛博拉金恩(Deborah King)1973~2007
※辛蒂佈雷曼(Cindy Blackman)2010/12迄今
★重要作品:1969/《山塔那》(Santana)、1999/《超自然力量》(Supernatural)、2005/《唯我獨尊》(All That I Am)


【2011/03/28 News】
「吉他大帝」山塔那(Carlos Santana)昨出席台北記者會,新婚3個多月的嬌妻辛蒂佈雷克曼意外現身,製造驚喜。他們3度接吻,他現學現賣中文:「我愛妳。」辛蒂也以中文說:「我也愛你。」濃情蜜意羨煞眾人。   



   【2011/03/28 News】
63歲「吉他大帝」卡洛斯山塔那(Carlos Santana),昨晚8點半率領「山塔那」樂團首度抵台,為後天在台北南港展覽館的演唱會做準備。

 「山塔那」一行人預定停留5天4夜,昨晚天候又濕又冷,仍有30位2、30歲死忠歌迷接機,獻花給偶像。卡洛斯相當開心,親切為粉絲簽名,但未發一語。他 們下榻台北君悅飯店,63歲的卡洛斯獨享每晚8萬8千元的總統套房,可惜1月再娶的新婚妻未同行。他飲食清淡,主辦單位為他準備了沙拉吧和素食。


    【2011/02/28 News】
歷時5年馬拉松的積極邀約,美國傳奇搖滾樂團「山塔那樂團」終於要首度來台開唱了!消息一出,庾澄慶、黃品源、製作人王治平紛紛都化身樂迷直呼:「簡直不敢相信,就像是一個天大的奇蹟。」    成軍於1967年的山塔那樂團,在60年代末期帶動一股新的音樂浪潮,其中靈魂人物Carlos Santana更有「本世紀最偉大的搖滾吉他手」之稱,彈指之間巧妙融合拉丁、藍調、靈魂、嘻哈、饒舌、節奏藍調、舞曲、古巴音樂、吉普賽音樂、爵士、民 謠以及流行等不同風格的音樂類型,他極具渲染性的音樂魅力和神乎其技的精湛吉他技巧,使他成為拉丁搖滾的潮流先鋒,馳騁樂壇40年。

    山塔那樂團「Santana拉丁Party演唱會」將於3月30日晚上8時於台北南港展覽館開唱,屆時山塔那大師的禮遇媲美國家級,包括住宿飯店、一人休 息室等,都將以最高等級伺候;演唱門票3月1日中午12點開賣,購票詳情請洽年代售票系統或大大娛樂07-537-0000。from→聯合報

Santana ft. India.Aire - While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Live @ Lopez Tonight
Carlos Santana - While My Guitar Gently Weeps ft. India & 馬友友, Official Video


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     一手打造出〈沈默之聲The Sounds of Silence〉、〈惡水上的大橋Bridge Over Troubled Water〉、〈史卡波羅市集 Scarborough Fair〉以及電影《畢業生》原聲帶的保羅賽門,在六七零年代以賽門與葛芬柯二重唱的身分紅遍英美,清新不造作的音樂風格和融入世事令人反思的歌詞,是所 有西洋樂迷都不曾忘記的音樂經典。

    單飛後的保羅賽門盡情發揮自己的創作天分,結合了世界音樂和流行音樂,將專輯推向更多元的層次。他更不斷參與舞台劇和電 影的音樂編寫工作,超過半世紀的音樂生涯,他的作品無啻是流行音樂的經典。

     保羅賽門的生涯獲得無數榮耀,包括兩度入列「美國搖滾名人殿堂」以及13座葛萊美獎的榮耀,更於2007年5月成為美國國會圖書館為了表彰對世界文化有貢 獻的優秀音樂人,以傑出的作曲家 George And Ira Gershwin 命名創立的「蓋希文獎 Gershwin Prize」的首屆首位獲獎人。保羅賽門在1981、1991年於紐約中央公園所舉行的兩場演唱會,累計吸引超過125萬名樂迷,他同時也在人權鬥士曼德 拉的邀請下,成為南非在脫離種族隔離時代之後,首位在該國開唱的美國歌手。

     在歌唱舞台之外,保羅賽門也致力於回饋社會的慈善活動,像是他在1986年與全 民健康行動家 Dr. Irwin Redlener 共同創立提供美國都市與偏遠地區兒童醫療服務的「兒童健康基金會」,此一基金會提供了超過上百萬次的醫療服務,同時也在卡翠納颶風災難發 生後提供醫療救助。[文章源自

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~Something Like Olivia Lyrics~
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time

I'm thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find
There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side

There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side
I'm thinking something like Olivia
Can keep me through the night

Now I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man
No I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man

But if Olivia herself were at my door
I'd have to say I'd let her in

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

I keep thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

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~Stubborn Love Lyrics~
She'll lie and steal and cheat,
and beg you from her knees
Make you thinks she means it this time
She'll tear a hole in you,
the one you can't repair
But I still love her, I don't really care

When we were young, oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh, we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah it can't be done

It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all
The opposite of love's indifference
Pay attention now,
I'm standing on your porch screaming out
And I wont leave until you come downstairs

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love

I don't blame ya dear for running like you did,
all these years
I would do the same, you best believe
The highway signs say we're close,
but I don't read those things anymore
I never trusted my own eyes

When we were young oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah, can't be done

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love
Head up, love
Head up, love

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~Next Year Lyrics~
I don't know where I
Am going to rest my head tonight
So I won't promise that I'll speak to you today
But if I ever find
Another place
A better time
For that moment I was never what I am

Take to me to where you are
What you've become
And what you will do when I am gone
I won't forget (x2)

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year


In between the lines
Is the only place you'll find
What you're missing but you didn't know was there
So when I say goodbye
You must do your best to try
And forgive me this weakness
This weakness

'Cause I don't know what to say
Another day
Another excuse to be sent your way
Another day
Another year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
And maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

Think of me
I will think of you

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
Maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said
I'll be home for next year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

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~Falling Lyrics~
I get that sense of falling as time wears me down.
It drags that sense of mourning that's worn like a crown.
There is no sense in crying as your tears hit the ground.
The worst sense of all, dying, I wish you were around.

It feels like falling as the strings in your hand start to move
and your body is starting to bloom.
It feels like a warning as I'm controlling you.

Get that sense of falling as life gets you down.
Aware your heart is mourning, one day you will be found.

It feels like falling as the strings in your hand start to move
and your body is starting to bruise.
It feels like a warning as I'm controlling you.

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~Pull Me Down Lyrics~
Oh I heard you were trouble
And you heard I was trouble
But your name is a wave washing over me
No games just a slave to you totally
Cause I don't care about what they say about you virgo
And you don't care about what they say about me virgo
But you know what they say about trouble

Pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud

I want you to know that I've got your back
Even when the whole foundation seems cracked
Two punk kids up against the world
Ya trouble, there goes trouble
We could be king and queen of the moonlight
Two young lovers
and when the moods right
you hear me say 'I want you'

Pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud
And you wanna say it loud

So pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud
Ohhh and you want to say it loud

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~Something Like Olivia Lyrics~
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time

I'm thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find
There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side

There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side
I'm thinking something like Olivia
Can keep me through the night

Now I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man
No I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man

But if Olivia herself were at my door
I'd have to say I'd let her in

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

I keep thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

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~Stubborn Love Lyrics~
She'll lie and steal and cheat,
and beg you from her knees
Make you thinks she means it this time
She'll tear a hole in you,
the one you can't repair
But I still love her, I don't really care

When we were young, oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh, we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah it can't be done

It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all
The opposite of love's indifference
Pay attention now,
I'm standing on your porch screaming out
And I wont leave until you come downstairs

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love

I don't blame ya dear for running like you did,
all these years
I would do the same, you best believe
The highway signs say we're close,
but I don't read those things anymore
I never trusted my own eyes

When we were young oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah, can't be done

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love
Head up, love
Head up, love

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~Next Year Lyrics~
I don't know where I
Am going to rest my head tonight
So I won't promise that I'll speak to you today
But if I ever find
Another place
A better time
For that moment I was never what I am

Take to me to where you are
What you've become
And what you will do when I am gone
I won't forget (x2)

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year


In between the lines
Is the only place you'll find
What you're missing but you didn't know was there
So when I say goodbye
You must do your best to try
And forgive me this weakness
This weakness

'Cause I don't know what to say
Another day
Another excuse to be sent your way
Another day
Another year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
And maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

Think of me
I will think of you

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
Maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said
I'll be home for next year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

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~Falling Lyrics~
I get that sense of falling as time wears me down.
It drags that sense of mourning that's worn like a crown.
There is no sense in crying as your tears hit the ground.
The worst sense of all, dying, I wish you were around.

It feels like falling as the strings in your hand start to move
and your body is starting to bloom.
It feels like a warning as I'm controlling you.

Get that sense of falling as life gets you down.
Aware your heart is mourning, one day you will be found.

It feels like falling as the strings in your hand start to move
and your body is starting to bruise.
It feels like a warning as I'm controlling you.

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~Pull Me Down Lyrics~
Oh I heard you were trouble
And you heard I was trouble
But your name is a wave washing over me
No games just a slave to you totally
Cause I don't care about what they say about you virgo
And you don't care about what they say about me virgo
But you know what they say about trouble

Pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud

I want you to know that I've got your back
Even when the whole foundation seems cracked
Two punk kids up against the world
Ya trouble, there goes trouble
We could be king and queen of the moonlight
Two young lovers
and when the moods right
you hear me say 'I want you'

Pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud
And you wanna say it loud

So pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud
Ohhh and you want to say it loud

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~Something Like Olivia Lyrics~
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time
Well Olivia's taken
But a look like hers can be found from time to time

I'm thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find
There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side

There's only one man in this world
Who gets to sleep with her by his side
I'm thinking something like Olivia
Can keep me through the night

Now I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man
No I'm not trying to steal
No love away from no one man

But if Olivia herself were at my door
I'd have to say I'd let her in

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

I keep thinking something like Olivia
Is what I need to find

Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia
Something like Olivia

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~Stubborn Love Lyrics~
She'll lie and steal and cheat,
and beg you from her knees
Make you thinks she means it this time
She'll tear a hole in you,
the one you can't repair
But I still love her, I don't really care

When we were young, oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh, we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah it can't be done

It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all
The opposite of love's indifference
Pay attention now,
I'm standing on your porch screaming out
And I wont leave until you come downstairs

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love

I don't blame ya dear for running like you did,
all these years
I would do the same, you best believe
The highway signs say we're close,
but I don't read those things anymore
I never trusted my own eyes

When we were young oh oh, we did enough
When it got cold, ooh ooh we bundled up
I can't be told, ah ah, can't be done

So keep your head up, keep your love
Keep your head up, my love [x2]
Keep your head up, keep your love
Head up, love
Head up, love

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~Next Year Lyrics~
I don't know where I
Am going to rest my head tonight
So I won't promise that I'll speak to you today
But if I ever find
Another place
A better time
For that moment I was never what I am

Take to me to where you are
What you've become
And what you will do when I am gone
I won't forget (x2)

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year


In between the lines
Is the only place you'll find
What you're missing but you didn't know was there
So when I say goodbye
You must do your best to try
And forgive me this weakness
This weakness

'Cause I don't know what to say
Another day
Another excuse to be sent your way
Another day
Another year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
And maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

Think of me
I will think of you

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year
Maybe sometime
In a long time
You'll remember
What I had said there
I said
I'll be home for next year

Maybe someday
You'll be somewhere
Talking to me
As if you knew me
Saying I'll be home for next year, darling
I'll be home for next year

痞子DJ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

痞子DJ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()